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advanced radio solutions

Body Worn Cameras

Key information on Body Worn Cameras

With body worn cameras you can improve the safety and accountability of your front-line teams. Body-worn video delivers instant valuable insight from the wearer’s perspective to not only protect your staff but also give reassurance whilst capturing valuable evidence.

Take Control

Capture, process & share

Staff facing the public on a daily basis want to feel safe at work. When we don’t feel safe at work, we are more likely to have complaints, issues performing, increases in insurance and legal claims and can even lead to employee turnover. Minimise your teams disruptions and costs by ensuring their safety.

Organisations that support their staff with body-worn cameras form a stronger OHS program and provide accountability and safety. Not only will this improve employee professionalism but also reduce workplace security and safety threats giving your staff peace of mind to do their job.

Body Worn Cameras Features

Capture Evidence​

Utilising a body worn camera will ensure encounters are recorded every time. Not only this but the presence of the camera often helps diffuse heightened situations as it does capture key evidence. Simply press record to capture high-quality video evidence.​

Process Evidence​

Instantly share video and audio footage with team members. Share back to base over your Wi-Fi for faster and improved incident response times.​

Ensure Safety​

Ensure safety for your staff and customers whilst also enforcing accountability. Body worn cameras ensure all evidence is recorded to keep both staff and customers accountable.​

Back to Base

Monitor footage and audio from staff to ensure safety and process are followed. Enjoy a seamless integration with existing CCTV and Two Way Radio Communications. Not only will this enhance your safety on site but always keep your team connected whether they are onsite or back to base.

You can even access evidence to support judicial processes and store data to use in times of need.